Thursday, June 30, 2011

Me Made June - finishing out the month

This has been an interesting little challenge.  A few observations:
I have far fewer homemade things than I thought.  
Most of what I have is jewelry.
I love jeans and long-sleeved t's.
I have not made any jeans nor long-sleeved t's.
Skin looks weird on micro.

So - Monday, I wore this: 

It was a free, downloadable pattern off the Burda website.  I think the pattern was called JJ, because I always think of JJ Abrams when I wear it, which is just weird.  I like the fabric texture, but I'm just not fond of the color cream, I guess.  I like it on other people!  

Tuesday, I repeated my blue stripey Sorbetto top.

Wednesday, I was on vacation and forgot to pack anything homemade.

Today - I wore this birdie necklace:

and tomorrow is July.  hooray! (oh...that means today is my brother's birthday.  oopsie!  I need to go make a phone call!) 

I want to do this again in September.  I'm going to try to add in some knit shirts, a couple pair of pants and maybe a dress or two before then.  Wishful thinking, I know.  Stay tuned!  Unless you're bored out of your mind.  In which case, you are dismissed.  :o)  No hard feelings.  but you'll be missing some very intriguing nonsense, I guarantee.  and I don't tweet.  so you'll miss it.  for reals.  

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Time for some make-up posting!  I've neglected some little tidbits that I have wanted to share but just haven't gotten to quite yet.  So - the kids have a bowl of air-popped popcorn and a Charlie & Lola cd from the library, and I have some stolen moments.

Last weekend, the kids saw my bag of lemons in the fridge and begged to make some lemonade.  So - we did.

Did you see those pretty little fingernails!  and the yummy little chubby arms? and they're so serious!  I love it.

and in further news:

When Life Gives You Milk:

make pudding!
I had just a 1/2 quart of milk left and was going to TJoe's, so of course picked up a gallon.  Immediately when we got home, my beautiful, wonderful, talented, generous, laughter-ful neighbor Sarah flagged me down and asked if we needed any milk.  Perfect timing?  (Sarah has a coffee cart and often has leftover milk, which she doesn't drink, so we reap the benefits!)  After a quick search on line, I settled on this recipe for REAL chocolate pudding. I poured the still-warm comfort-in-a-bowl into my 4 new birthday cups (that's the wrong word!  I can't think of the right word...), and still had some left in the pan.  The rest went in to pyrex prep bowls.  I took two over to Sarah's house and her daughter M and her friend were diligently working on the coolest project at their giant sprawl of a table.  M's whole face lit up at the sight of the pudding!  "Snack time!"  I'm hoping to get a couple pix of their project... the coolest hats EVER.  Much cooler than this princess topper.  More on that later, I hope!
RAMEKINS.  ramekins.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Me Made June 25, 26 - weekend edition

Saturday.  I pretty much just wanted to take the weekend off.  I need to make more stuff!  More options, please!  Especially pants.  I love pants.  Pants are my friend.  Maybe I just like the word pants.  I use it a lot as descriptors with my kids:  silly pants, crazy pants, shorty pants...  Pants is awesome.

Anyway - I put on some pants, a stripey tank, granny cardi and this little pendant.  
I think I'm going to retire this one.  I like the sunflower/sunshine pattern, but it's such an anemic color.  Or maybe it was just bad lighting.
I dunno... my jury is still out.

Jack made some amazing train track yesterday and sneaked about 48 pictures onto my camera.  I saved 3.  and one of his shoe, the piano, and the underside of a lamp, but you don't need to see those.

Can you tell he's a smarty head?

Okay - on to today - Sunday - the Day of the Lord.  For that, I can wear a skirt.
(That's right - it's a repeat skirt and bracelet.  New nail polish, tho,  So fancy!)
(p.s.  Do you like the rash of sticker residue on the kick-plate of the door?  Now that's preschool classy!)

This afternoon, Jack and his daddy went to the park to "play" tennis.  

Dan is teaching Jack to hit off the wall and to bounce the ball on his racket.  He'll be taking lessons in a week or so and was worried that everyone would know how to play but him!  Poor little sweetie pants! (heehee!  I said Pants.)
 Speaking of furry pants...

Me Made June 23 & 24

I waited too long!  Thursday was so three days ago... who remembers that? 

I made this little beauty when I lived in San Francisco.  I think it's one of my better complicated pieces.  Usually I go more for simple stuff, but this one I still think is fun!

It's an odd combination, kinda, but it works.  and it's cheery!

and it has a sweet little heart-shaped clasp.  

Friday - I wore a redone skirt.  I got this at the last swap I went to and it was absolutely adorable! 
But also, too big.  and too cumbersome. 
The apron look is cute in theory, but hip-widening and saccharine sweet - like it was just trying too hard.

So - I removed the apron, took out the zipper and added a button/loop closure.

  (and I added a lining)  So - now it's adjustable, comfortable, and CUTE FABRIC.  and I can still tie the apron back on if I want to!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Me Made June 22 - Birthday Edition

That's right - it's my BIRTHDAY!  and it was a lovely day.

I woke up to this:

Wore this:  (that I made this spring)

And these:

They look kinda plastic-y in the picture.  They're much nicer in person.  And they're Aerosoles, which = happy feeties!  The insoles are the softest, yummiest suede.

And this:  (I know!  so fancy!)

Drank my tea from this:

(New birthday mug!  I'm completely taken with this little cutie-pie!  This has been a semi-tradition with my mom, whose birthday is today, too!  We go shopping together, each pick out a mug and buy them for each other.)  Also enjoyed a chai latte from my sister-in-law!  Thanks Tricia for reviving an old addiction.  Them's tasty bidness.

Birthday Earrings:

My friend Charity brought these over today.

What a gorgeously special gift!  I love them and perhaps will wear them every day for quite some time!

My parents took us to dinner at Spaghetti Factory.  The kids thought it was awesome-sauce.  That's right.  Awesome Sauce.

Lily and Pa

Jack and Daddy

Me and the other Birthday Girl!

A very lovely day.

Me Made June 20 & 21

Let me just preface this by saying "Pitiful effort!"

All I could must on Monday was a bracelet that I made from a broken vintage necklace.  (I was trying to find something that would match my new swap shoes!  I need more red or primary-colored jewelry, I guess.  This was all I could find besides my knitted headband.)

and it broke again later in the day.  It needs new findings, I guess.  The metal is so soft and tired!  Poor little jewels.

Tuesday - another pitiful display.  I wore a wire wrapped ring.  It was a $5 class at Collage here in Portland.  The class was a lot of fun!  Some of the rings came out great.  This one is nice enough and it actually fits, but it sits a little tall.  I gave most of my favorites away.

Most of the ones I have left are too small for me.  Probably too small for any human over the age of 7.

Now - off to better things.  It's my birthday while I'm writing this, so I'm going to hang up and drive! (so to speak)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Date Night!

We had a real Date Night last night!

First we had a lovely, bright-windowed dinner at a random, drive-by-finding restaurant.  It was so tasty! and so friendly and exactly what we were in the mood for.  And in wonderfully close proximity to our next destination, Piano Fort, aka: Sam's place, for a great evening of music and fundraising.  Anyone who wasn't there seriously missed out.  I'm a new fan of Lone Madrone and of Marty Marquis (Blitzen Trapper).  They played my heart out.  It felt completely, wonderfully therapeutic to spend an evening with great friends in a great venue with such delicious music.

and speaking of delicious... those (capital B) Brownies from Sweet Chaos were entirely too tasty.  *sigh*  I must limit my intake to one-a-day.  or one-a-week?  Either way, Susan made a taste bud blasting array of goodies for the evening.  I love that lady.

So - I wore this:

and carried this:
(This was originally supposed to be a burgundy velvet hat, but it looked dumb.  So it became a wrist purse and now I love it!)

Then we came home and saw a bunch of naked people on bikes.

what?!?  yes.  nekked.

And it was a perfect evening.

then today, I wore this:

I'm afraid I don't like it.  It's just not me.  I think it's a pretty frock and all, but it 1) needs pockets and 2) is just too danged floweredy. or something.  I even made a matching belt!

I'm not sure why I don't like it.  I just don't.

And Jack made a giant-sized tower this afternoon!  What a cutie-pie!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Rockin' Rollers!

This week was the final Preschool Rollerskate session until the Fall, so I took the kids to Oaks Park on Wednesday (Nana and Pa joined us there!)

First we had a lesson, 

and some stretching...

More stretching...

... and then we did some serious rolling.  There is honestly not much that is cuter than a room full of preschoolers learning to skate.

Pretties in My Garden

Oh sigh for a wonderously late spring!  This is our first strawberry of the season... so sweet - just laying there blushing in the sunshine - waiting to be chosen.

and more berries-to-be:

And some perfectly pink-a-dee-pink pinkiness

In duplicate: